The Daily American from Somerset, Pennsylvania (2024)

A Page 2-Friday, September 3, AMERICAN 1965 -SOMERSET Obituary STANLEY F. WOZNIAK Stanley F. Wozniak, 83, of Gray, died Sept, 2. in Somerset Community Hospital. Funeral arrangements, in charge of the Donald B.

Hay Funeral Home, are incomplete. PAULINE GOLTZ Pauline Goltz, 43, Confluence, died Sept. 1, 1965, in Meyers. dale Community Hospital. She was born May 17, 1922, in Fort Hill.

daughter of Jerry and Katherine Stanton Miller. She is survived by the following children: Roger, Ronald, Richard and William Wiltrout all of Hagerstown, and Robert of New Brighton, Pa. Also two grandchildren and the following brothers and ters: Listonburg; Mrs. Gladys Wilt and Raymond, both Grace of Mitchell, Duquesne, Confluence and Mrs. Alice Qualtern, Uniontown, and Ervin, Fort Hill.

Friends will be received after 7 p.m. today at. Humbert Funeral 1 Home, Confluence, until noon Sunday when the remains will be removed to Silbaugh Methodist Church, and lay in state until 2 p.m.. services. Rev.

John Rodahaver will' officiate. Interment in the church (cemetery. Lions Benefit Set Sipesville Lions Club will hold special Chicken Bar B-Q on Saturday, Sept. 11 at the Sipesville Volunteer Fire Department building. This is an annual event.

to help the local Lions Club carry on more beneficial civic interest work. SOMERSET daily AMERICAN PUBLISHED except Sunday, Main July 4th and December 25 af 216 West Street, Somerset, SOMERSET NEWSPAPERS. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Seven cents copy, in 42 cents Somerset per County: week by Less carrier. than By one month, ten cents per copy: $1.75 per month. $4.50 for three- months six months: $15.60 per year, payable in advance.

By men outside Somerset County: Less than one month, ten cents three per copy: months; $1,85 $9.50 per for 6 months; $18.00 per month; $5.00 for SECOND-CLASS postage paid at Someryear Pennsvivania. SOMERSET AMERICAN Want Ads Dept. Phone 445-4135 IN MEMORIAM WIDE selection of appropriate mess ages of in Memoriam is available at tre American Office for your convenience. In Memoriam, 200 per line. Minimum cost of CARD OF THANKS TO THOSE wishing to express their DEATH NOTICE IRS per line.

INCLUDING Minimum Funeral charge Notices, $1.10 20. (50 cents accommodation fee for all charge ads). thanks and appreciation to all who extend kindness during your bereavement Iliness, a list of appropriate messages nue or is available at the American Office af ed cost of $2.00. An additional charge of 50 cents is added for billing. SOMERSET DAILY AMERICAN Business E.

A. Lyons WELDING 2 Portable Welders, Rigs Specializing In Heavy Cona struction, Equipment 1 ROCKWOOD R.D, New Centerville Ph. 926-3659 James L. Brant PROTECT Robert E. Brant WHAT YOU INSURANCE HAVE! 203 E.

Main St. INSURC! Ph. 445-2000 WELL DRILLING Complete Water Systems, Pumps Repaired, Bath Outfits Water Heaters. Terms Available. Listie Well Drilling Listie, Ph.Smst.

445-3190 BARKMAN' HARDWARE FREE Parking Delivery TV RADIO SERVICE 445-5912 151 W. Main Somerset RUBBER STAMPS All Sizes, Descriptions PAUL SHAFFER 1002. Somerset Ave. Phone 467-8902 WINDBER, PA. -FARMERSLIME SPREADER SERVICE SPREAD Bulk or Bag JOHN THOMAS Berlin, Pa.

Ph. 267-2874 1. Pa. Ph. Complete Home Improvements No Money Down Up to Years to pay-Free Estimates SNYDER CONSTRUCTION CO.

Inc. 65 Selected For Criminal Court Jury Duty Music Day Festival At Area Church The annual Music Day festival will be held at the Springs Mennonite Church, Springs, Sunday, Sept. 5, at 1:30 p.m.' Participating groups will be: Springs male chorus: Beachy Amish Mennonite chorus; mixed chorus in charge of Paul Yoder; -Springs MYF mixed chorus. Treble quartet, ladies: trio, ladies; octet, mixed voices: the Harmony, Four, voices; ladies; and combined chorus of all men of the singing groups. The public is invited to at.

tend the festival. Be Careful On Highways Over Holiday State Police Commissioner E. Wilson Purdy in an order to state police field forces set up special traffic controls for the 3-day Labor Day weekend. State police enforcement efforts for the 78-hour period will begin Friday at 6 p.m. and end midnight Monday.

Some 100 Troopers will be added to the enforcement complement by Col. Purdy's order closing down all driver examination points Friday through Labor Day. "Learner's permits," said Col. Purdy, "will be honored when examination points reopen." Troopers are under orders to overlap patrols during peak traffic periods and whenever special highway conditions demand extra coverage. Troopers will be located at strategic highway positions.

Around the clock patrols will number unmarked patrol cars during daylight hours with headlights turned on. Troop commanders, according to Col. Purdy's directive, will keep local news media informed of traffic conditions to facilitate public cooperation. Referring to this year's rising fatality, rate, across Col. the Purdy state that, told "It is imperative that we exert every effort to down accidents and fatalities." "And, we urge all motorists over the holiday weekend to cooperate with local and state law enforcement officers in creating a safe driving climate that would contribute to of summer ending Col Purdy said.

Rural accidents accounted for 15 deaths over the 78-hour tally period last. year. IRS Closed Monday John H. Bingler, District Diof Internal Revenue for Western Pennsylvania, announced that all Internal ReveService offices closall day Monday, Sept. 6, in observance of Labor Day.

Directory MAYS INFLATIONS AND PARTS FOR ALL MILKERS FULL LINE OF TINGLEY BOOTS I FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY WALKER'S FEED STORE EXPERT TV SERVICE ALL MAKE, ANY MODEL Regardless of Where You Purchased Your Machine We Will Give You The 1 Best Possible Service. Antennas Installed Repaired. MANEER'S TV APPLIANCE 220 W. Main St. Ph.

445-5000 CLAPPER'SBUILDING MATERIAL Rockwood Meyersdale BUILDING MATERIALS from Foundation to Roof! HAY'S OFFICE SUPPLY CO. Chairs, Piling CabinetsEverything for the office. MAIN ST. BERLIN Phone BERLIN 267-6555 Red, Buff, Gray, White Face Brick, Drain Tile, Sewer Pipe, Culvert, Pipe, Masonry TOOLS and SUPPLIES Brick Tile OTTO Works, 663-6461 Inc. Springs, Cherry Glade Church Will Be Dedicated The new Cherry Glade Church, located on the eastern slope of Negro' mountain, along the Ac.

cident-Bittinger road in Garrett county, is to be dedicated Sunday afternoon Sept. 5, at 2:30 p.m. dedication Elmer H. sermon Maust, will preside; be by Mark Peachey; and dedication ceremony and prayer by Ivan J. Miller.

The first 'Amish Mennonite families -moved into the area early in the 1800's. At that time they had no church, so they held services in their private homes. Then in 1881 the congregation ereced a simple frame church. The las service was held in that church on Sunday, August 29, of this year. In 1957 consideration was given on remodeling the old church or building a new one in a more suitable area.

A good bit of the time and I labor put into. the new structure was gladly given by the congregation. The public is invited to attend the following services: Saturday, Sept. 4, 7:30 Sermon by Mark Peachey, Plain City, Ohio.

Sunday, Sept. 5, 9:30 a.m. and Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Churen service, sermon by Mark Peachey. State Covered Bridges Week Governor William W.

Seranton has designated the week of Sept. 19-26, as "See Pennsyl-4 vania's Covered Bridges the Travel Development Bureau of Pennsylvania's Department of Commerce reports. Letter to the Editor Editor, Daily American: THE PLANE PASSED through the gaping opening in the tree tops, veered earthward and smashed into the hill-side. Then silence. Within the rubble of the plane lay four bodies their lives snuffed out in a twinkle by the hand of fate.

Thus began one of the most tragic days within memory. Moments later, a disastrous two vehicle highway accident took the life of a school teacher. Still later, a pedestrian died of injuries suffered when struck by a car. Within hours, six persons had met violent death within the county's borders. It was a day of tragedy and a day to be remembered.

(American Staff Photo) The Theodore Burr Covered Bridge Society of Pennsylvania, who -are responsible for the preservation of these bridges and have enthusiastically promoted appreciation of these historic landmarks, are planning appropriate tours and ceremonies throughout the week. Much of the interest in covered bridges is kindled by the Theodore Burr Society and their quarterly publication "Portals" has an enthusiastic fol owing. Covered Bridges Pennsylvania counties boasting covered bridges are: Adams, Allegheny, Bedford, Berks, Plair, Bradford, Bucks, Carbon, Centre, Chester, Clear. field, Clinton, Columbia, Cumberland, Dauphin, Erie, Franklin, Greene, Huntingdon, Indiana, Jefferson, Juniata, Lan- State SS To Meet At Uniontown The 103rd Annual Pennsylvania State Sunday School Convention "is being held this year October 21-23 in Uniontown. The theme will be "Jesus Christ IS Lord." The Asbury Methodist Church in Uniontown will serve as convention headquarters for the three-day meeting.

The purpose of the program is to "Provide a medium for Sunday teachers, supperientendents, Pastors, Christian education directors and parents and children to unitedly cooperate in Christian education." The program include five general sessions; Children's weekday education workshop; adult leadership education workshop; youth work education workshop; helpful book displays; inspiring music: and a preview of the latest audio-visual materials. First The Speakers Speakers for the three days include: Bishop Francis E. Kearns, Resident Bishop of the Ohio East Area of the Methodist Church Thursday morning speaker. Dr. Elbert E.

Gates Pastor of the United Baptist Church, Mystic, ConnecticutThursdey evening speaker. Dr. Edward L. R. Elson, Pas.

Local Plant Involved In Major Transfer A Somerset operation was involved in a recent $2.2 million transaction when Summers Fertilizer Baltimore, sold 91,725 capital shares to the Occidental Petroleum Los Angeles, Calif. The local operation was transferred for $104.032. The Somerset fertilizer plant is located partly in Somerset Township and Somerset Borough. It covers an 8-acre tract of land by the Stoystown road. Summers is a Baltimore producer of agricultural chemical products in addition to fertilizer.

The privately owned company showed sales of about $9 million in 1964. Plan Expansion An Occidental Petroleum's subsidiary, Occidental Agricultural Chemicals will operate the local setup. The new owners have reported that now Occidental can expand its fertilizer business into Pennsylvania, North and South Dakota, Will Report For Duty Keystoners On Monday, October 4 Make Plans ton J. Lohr, Stella Kubala and Dorothy E. Huston.

Windber-George Harris. Robert Oyler, Jean Callen, Thomas Sayder, Albert AndJohn Spencer, Jean Perilla, and Harold B. Wagner. Rockwood--Richard L. Hill, and John C.

Barclay, Stonycreek E. Reiman Southampton -Rodella Weimer, and Vernon C. Emerick. Jenner Twp. John M.

Kenneth Livengstone, Luther L. Speicher, Mary C. wine. Confluence--Howard R. Ringer.

Benson--Florence Garrett- Tucker. Herbert S. Nair, -Betty Frederick Somerset Sarver, C. Bird, Milton P. Critchfield, Carrie G.

Heiple and Michael Urban. Berlin--Daniel O. Bauman and Neva R. Lishia. Jennerstown- H.

L. Emert and Richard J. Gombita. Lower Turkeyfoot Twp.Genevieve L. Tressler and Melvin Warrick.

Elk Lick M. Jones, and Grace Bitter. Brothersvalley Charles Sicheri, Jr. New. Centerville Martha Illar.

Jefferson Twpa-J, KennethMiller. Addison Julius Quemahoning Sigmund. Allegheny -Pearle Mary S. Horner. Fairbope E.U.B.

Group Has Meeting R.F.U of First E.U.B. Church met recently at the Home of Betty Kelly. Leaders were Louise Sembower and Mrs. Marie Spangler. Mrs.

Sembower had the call to worship, followed by The Hymn, "Have Thy own way and Mrs. Reed read the Scripture. Mrs. Sembower led the Meditation. Mrs Spangler had charge, the Stewardship Panel the different ladies.

They were: career woman, Ethel Pugh; wife, Spangler; mother, Bessie Shultz; widow, Mrs. Spangler; retired woman, Mrs. Homer Spangler. Mrs. Spangler told about Stewardship Gems.

A hymn was sung, then the meeting was turned over to the Circle Leader, Deloris Resh. Attends Convention Joseph A. Betta, son of Mario Betta, of Que Creek, is attending the International Convention of Kappa Epsilon (TKE) fraternity in Toronto, Canada, this week. The convention is August 31-September 5 at the Park Plaza Hotel. He is a delegate from the TKE Chapter at Shippensburg State College.

READ THE CLASSIFIED For Banquet Sixty five criminal court jurors drawn for the September term of Criminal Court by Somerset County Sheriff Norman F. Walker, and Jury Commis sioners Nicholas M. Bruno Edward Lauer. jurors are to report for duty on Monday, Oct. 4, at a a.m.

They are: Central City-Hilma Lohr, Earl Firl and Thomas M. Galish. et -Hilda C. Fink, Joseph F. Livengood, Clifford Bowman, Paul W.

Howard, J. H. Barkley, George W. Kartzell, Robert R. Dively, and Helen M.

Altfather, Conemaugh Lloyd R. Shawley, Curtis Eash, and Dorothy Blough. Paint M. Latr, Helen Shuster, and 1 Wendell G. Decker.

Shade Warren Michael J. Kohan, G. Shaffer, Day- Employe Of Penelec In Retirement Frank A. McMarland, Metor Superintendent for Pennsylvania Electric Company's Southern Division with headquarters in Johnstown, has retired after 45 years of service in the electric utility industry. Mr.

McFarland, who will receive a pension under terms the Company's retirement plan, began his utility career in 1920- with a major Penelec predecessor company, Penn Public Service Corporation, He served in various capacities in the Meter Departments. at Philipsburg, Somerset and Johnstown and in 1944 was appointed Southern Division Meter Superintendent. The veteran Penelec employee is a native of Phittpsburg where he attended local schools. He also attended the Williamson Trade School, Philadelphia, and has completed Metering Courses through Pennsylvania State Uni-1 versity, Carnegie Institute of Technology and West Virginia University. Mr.

McFarland, who resides at 908 Ferndale Avenue, Johnstown, is a member of the WestUnited Presbyterian Church; Somerset. Lodge No. 358, Free and Accepted Masons; the Newcastle Consistory; and Menoher Post No. 135, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Johnstown. He is married to the former Besse L.

Crise of Lavansville. Lions Hear Of Gilmour Plant Here The Somerset Lions club heard Robert Gilmour and Edward Lloyd tell of the remarkable growth of Gilmour Manufacturing Company in Somerset. The two speakers demonstrated the early products and traced the evolution of these products to the present line now offered by the company. Gilmour Products re sold throughout the world. The local plant has twenty-five employees on the assembly line in addition to the sales force and the executives of the firm.

The local plant has produced as many as 15,000 units in one day at the local plant. Three guests were introduced. These included: Dr. Peter Stephens, a physician who will soon open an office in Somerset, Edward Trent and Arthur Snyder of Davenport, Nebraska. The club members acknowledged the birthday of Harvey Beabes with the traditional birthday song.

The annual Light Bulb Sale will be held Sept. 20, 21, and 22. Chairman of the Light Bulb Sale is Walter Beals. A sale to commercial companies will precede the door to door sale. SUNSHINE OLD VIRGINIA Krispy Assorted Crackers JELLIES.

Ib 29 18 glasses oz $1 box CATSUP 14 oz. Bottles Top Value 6 $1 Wentz's Super Hi- Way Markets TWO GREAT STORES TO SERVE YOU Central City Ferrelton The Somerset, County Keystone Club, a Republican organization, held their monthly meeting last night in the council meeting hall of Cambria Savings and Loan Association, 130 W. Main St. William S. Orban, secretary, conducted the get together for Edgar W.

Fritz, president, who was not able to attend. New. ton B. Picking, County Republican chairman, spoke a few words about toe recent picnic at Berlin. It was decided to let banquet committee pick the date and place for the annual banquet.

The affair will be held prior to two weeks before the November elections. Courthouse News caster, Lackawanna, Lawrence, Lebanon, Lehigh, Luzerne, Lycoming, Mercer, Monroe, Mont go mery, Mont.our, Northampton, Northumberland, Perry, Philadelphia, Schuylkill, Snyder, Somerset, Sullivan, Union, Washington, Westmoreland and York. All in all Pennsylvania has 288 covered bridges more than any state in the nation. Fifty-seven are in use today as part of the state highway system. Driving through the pleasant Pennsylvania countryside in search of these reminders of a more leisurely and possibly more gracious era can be a re.

warding experience during "See Pennsylvania's Covered Bridges September 18- 26. State Nominees HARRISBURG (AP) Gov. Scranton sent to the Senate Thursday nominations of four members of the State Planning Board for terms extending to Dec. 13, 1968. They are: Theodore L.Hazlett, Pittsburgh; Dr.

Alfred H. Williams, Wallingford; George J. Mead, Erie, and Edward Hopkinson, Philadelphia. tor of the National Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. Friday evening speaker.

Dr. Perry E. Gresham, President of Bethany College, Bethany, W. evening, speaker. Convention Leaders Some of the leaders of the convention are: Dr.

J. Paul Burkhart, President of the Pennsylvania State Sabbath School. AssociationState President. William S. Nicholls, Member, Board of Directors, Pennsylvania State Sabbath School As.

sociation General Program Chairman. The Rev. Robert Gray, Pastor, Asbury Methodist Church, -Host Pastor. Samuel U. Williams, Member, Third Presbyterian Church, Uniontown Local Committee Chairman.

The convention has requested four delegates from each Sunday School in the County. Real Estate Transfers Deeds filed yesterday in the Somerset County Courthouse office of Edgar W. Fritz, Recordper of Deeds, include: George W. and Evelyn J. Shaffer to Aldine S.

Keim, parcel, Conemaugh $1. Michael and Margaret Sadosky to Peter and Ann Yelovich, lot, Central City Borough, $250. Rev Stanley Zulbrien for Mike Witko Estate to Richard L. and Sharon. 1.

Birch, one-third intlots, Hooversville Borough, $300. Milton P. and Idella G. Crutchfield, to Edward- E. and Delores J.Bu rhett, ract Som delores J.

Burhett, tract, $8500. Ourdoor Development Company, to Paul and Frieda Suppa, lot, Jefferson 350. Outdoor Development Company, to Gene J. and Nancy Lannon, lot, Jefferson $2,000. to Summit Inn, two tracts, Walter Hulda J.

Shaffer parcel, tract, Elk Lick $22,000, Deed Of Easem*nt Also recorded was a deed of easem*nt which follows: Albert G. and Janet S. Scott to Pennsylvania Department of Highways, Stonycreek Twp. $1. Many people believe that flying is not the safest way to travel.

This is because of the widespread newspaper coverage given to every. accident and a lack of knowledge concerning the real reasons for the accidents. The freall reason for most accidents, especially in small aircraft, is "pilot error." This is a term that covers everything but mechanical failure. The Federal Aviation Administration demands 'hat all air craft be. kept in top flying condition be licensed.

If you would see the planes must go through in order to be certified, there would be no doubt in anyone's mind as to their mechanical safety. SAIL licensed pilots must pass a comprehensive written and flight exam. But, like all human endeavors, there are times and stuations which will not be covered in a test. is the responsibility of the pilot to realize what his experience will allow him to do that is, he must realize his limitations. Another responsibility of the pilot is to make certain he has all weather and navigational in.

formation before flight. The pilot who. crashed at Seven Springs may not have had all the information he needed, although no one knows the circ*mstances for sure. This pilot was in an unfortunate situation- -one which he failed to get out of. The result was a disaster.

The necessity of a pilot realiz. ing his limitations cannot be overemphasized. Most pilots do this. They realize that a plane is only as safe as its pilot. The millions upon millions of families that are flown safely every year show that air travel is safe.

Richard H. Gibbs, Certified Flight Instructor Sand A At Chevie Show The announcement show and presentation of the 1966 models of Chevrolet cars and trucks in Hershey Sept. 1 was attended by dealer, complete sales staff and department heads (comprising 12 persons) from and A Chevrolet Company of Somerset. This presentation was shown to the complete Harrisburg and Pittsburgh Chevrolet zones. Enthusiasm of the representa: tion was very high and those present report that 1966 promises to be another great year.

Area Nurses Meet Dr. William R. Harkins of Osceola Mills, director of the cleft palate clinic at the Philipsburg State Hospital, was the guest speaker at a recent meet. ing of the Operating Room Nurses of Area Dr. Harkins spoke on "Habilitation of the Cleft Palate Patient." Following his talk, a business meeting was held by Dorothy Snyder, vicepresident.

The meeting was held in the Philipsburg Hospital. sota, Maine, Iowa, Maryland and New Brunswick, Canada. In addition to being a worldwide manufacturer and distributor of fertilizer, Occidental also searches for natural gas and crude oil properties. Sign Guilty Pleas Kenneth Ray McClintock, R. D.

1, Rockwood, and 1 Richard Allen Kelly, Garrett, signed guilty pleas yesterday, according to the Somerset County District Attorney's office. McClintock admitted to driving without a license (second offense) and to driving without lights in order to avoid detection by police. Kelly admitted guilt on two separate offenses. One, on three counts of burglary, larceny and receiving stolen property and the other a larceny and receiving stolen property charge, SCHOOL AGAIN Drive Carefully You Can't Replace A Child! New Friday Business Hours for Walk-In Drive-In Bank 9 a.m. Continuous to 8:30 p.m.

Friday Business Hours for Main Bank 9a.m. to 3 p.m. and 6 to 8:30 p.m. The COUNTY TRUST Co. 108 East Main St.

Somerset, Pa. Member F.D.I.C..

The Daily American from Somerset, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.